
  <style type="text/css"> .tableCell, .simpleTableCell, .simpleTableDarkCell, .subTable,        .rowHeaderCell, .rowHeaderDarkCell, .columnHeaderCell, .columnHeaderDarkCell, .subRowHeaderCell, .subRowHeaderDarkCell, .subRowTotalCell, .subRowTotalDarkCell, .subRowCell, .subRowDarkCell { border:2px solid rgb(60,60,60); text-align:center; font-size:12px; font-family:Arial; padding:0px; margin:0px;    border-collapse:collapse; } .simpleTableCell,.simpleTableDarkCell{ border:1px…

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MySQL: BackUp – Restore DB (mysqldump)

mysql> show databases; MySQL Export:-------------mysqldump -u root -p --databases myschema > /var/www/html/myschema/backup_db/MySchema_20101228.sqlMySQL Import:-------------mysql -u root -p --database myschema < /home/nista/myschema_temp/MySchema_20101228_1458.sqlMySQL Export just the schema:------------------------------mysqldump -u root -p --no-data myschema >…

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Oracle 10g: Create Heterogenous DBLink to connect to other databases

To create an heterogenous database link (to another database):1) set an odbc connection named testdb and in advanced put username/password (admin/admin)2) put inittestdb.ora in D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\hs\admin (* see below)3) put tnsnames.ora…

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