Linux-Unix: Add to $PATH
Use the following code:PATH=$PATH:/myprogram/binexport PATH
Use the following code:PATH=$PATH:/myprogram/binexport PATH
If you need to print out files recursively in Windows, no need to try to download a special program for this. Open a command prompt and write the following:cd "C:\Program…
Registry key for system variables:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Session Manager\%SystemDrive% = C:%SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS%WinDir% = C:\WINDOWS%SystemDirectory% = C:\WINDOWS\System32%ComSpec% = C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe%programfiles% = C:\WINDOWS\Program Files%Temp% (or %Tmp%) = C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Temp or C:\DOCUME~1\<USERNAME>\LOCALS~1\Temp%HOMEDRIVE% =…
Use the following statement:sqlplus <username>/<password>@<host>:<instance>If you want to directly without username/password, you must belong to usergroup ora_dba (windows):sqlplus / as sysdba
Use the following statements as an example:Create table test_items (item_id number, item_desc varchar2(20), item_attrib varchar2(100));Alter table test_items add constraint no_double_codes unique(item_desc, item_attrib);
Here is how to track a transaction's progress:select t.used_urec, --> if increasing, then the transaction is moving forward, otherwise is rolling back t.start_time, sysdate - to_date(t.start_time,'dd/mm/yy hh24:mi:ss') date_diff, s.sid,s.serial#, s.username,…
Example of searching in google:professors "private sector" -oxford filetype:pdf daterange:2455774-2455896"private sector" : include the whole expression-oxford : results without "oxford"filetype:pdf : to be a .pdf : results only…
Calculate DateRange for Google Search: Date From: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23…
Use the following code as an example: NET USE H: \\RemoteServer\f$\documents\projects /PERSISTENT:NO /USER:nista pass123!#%
Use the following code in order to search in a LONG field:SELECT * FROM sys.trigger$ /* table, not view */ WHERE sys.dbms_metadata_util.long2varchar( 4000 ,'SYS.TRIGGER$','ACTION#', ROWID) LIKE '%rvtrig_upd%';Note, that for the…