Java: XPath: Extract part of xml
Please, view the following related article:Oracle DB: XPath: Extract part of xml
Please, view the following related article:Oracle DB: XPath: Extract part of xml
The following examples are applied on Oracle DB, but they can be used also with another language, e.g. Java.The last examples illustrate in particular SOAP envelope xml extraction.Simple Examles:select xmltype('<a><b><return>vag</return></b></a>').extract('/a/b/text()').getstringval()…
In the following example the procedure create_csv creates a CLOB, which is then printed out.CLOB can be printed out, either simply, using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, or with the procedure print_clob_out, which is…
The following script show how to calculate the time difference between 2 execution points:declare thediff number; TIME1 timestamp; TIME2 timestamp; i number;begin TIME1 := SYSDATE; for i in 1..1000000000 loop …
The official way to achieve pagination in Oracle DB is not very elegant and very very slow. The reasons why it is slow are 2:The order by command must be…
You can execute the following statements in the given order in order to shrink the data taken by your tables:alter table APPS.XXACCOUNT_BALANCES enable row movement;alter table APPS.XXACCOUNT_BALANCES shrink space COMPACT; …
Gather schema statsistics:exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats( - ownname => 'SCOTT', - options => 'GATHER AUTO' );Show schema stats:select * from DBA_IND_STATISTICS WHERE OWNER='SCOTT'select * from DBA_TAB_STATISTICS WHERE OWNER='SCOTT'select * from DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS WHERE…
Here is how to install APEX 4.2 on Oracle 11g:Download Apex 4.0.2: C:\apps\ApexDownload Apex Listener: C:\apps\Apex_ListenerMake a shortcut to SQL Plus 11:C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN\sqlplus.exe /nolognamed: Apex SQL Plus 11 wirh working directory…
If you have the following message:ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace 'USERS'Then the undo tablespace is possibly corrupted.Try the following:create undo tablespace UNDOTBS2 datafile 'c:\app\vag\oradata\ora11g\UNDOTBS02.DBF' size 100000;alter…
Please see:Java-PL/SQL: Read from SYS_REFCURSOR