Oracle PL/SQL: Conditional Cursor
Sometimes in PL/SQL programming we need to switch the logic between different SQL queries, but fetching from cursors into predefined variables is painful.In the following example we define 2 cursors…
Sometimes in PL/SQL programming we need to switch the logic between different SQL queries, but fetching from cursors into predefined variables is painful.In the following example we define 2 cursors…
The following piece of code shows how you can load data from a comma separated values file directly into a MySQL table:LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:/documents/agenda.txt' IGNORE INTO TABLE agenda…
The following examples illustrate the functionality of NUMBER data type precision and scale:
Here is how to reset default workspace (INTERNAL) password:Run sqlplus, but from the directory, in which you have the apex sql scripts and execute the following:conn / as sysdba@apxchpwdSet the…