MySQL: Data Types
MySQL data types: CHAR( ) A fixed section from 0 to 255 characters long.VARCHAR( ) A variable section from 0 to 255 characters long.TINYTEXT A string with a maximum length…
MySQL data types: CHAR( ) A fixed section from 0 to 255 characters long.VARCHAR( ) A variable section from 0 to 255 characters long.TINYTEXT A string with a maximum length…
To create an heterogenous database link (to another database):1) set an odbc connection named testdb and in advanced put username/password (admin/admin)2) put inittestdb.ora in D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\hs\admin (* see below)3) put tnsnames.ora…
The statement below clears the cache, so you can run benchmarks against SQL execution: alter system flush buffer_cache
Some useful commands for srvrmgr:
srvrmgr /g <siebel_gateway_host_address> /e <siebel_enterprise_name> /s <siebel_server_name>
list servers
set server SBLAPP1
unset server SBLAPP1
unset server
list component groups
disable component group Workflow
assign component group Remote to server <siebel_server_name>
enable component group Remote for server <siebel_server_name>
shutdown appserver <siebel_server_name>
startup appserver <siebel_server_name>
[stop and restart system service...]
list evtloglvl for component eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu
change evtloglvl Error=5 for component eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu
change evtloglvl GenericLog=1, Performance=1, Trace=0, TaskConfig=0, SrmRouting=0, SQLParseAndExecute=1,
SQLSlowQuery=4, Perf=1, ProcReq=1 for comp WorkMon
activate component definition GenNewDb for server <siebel_server_name>
spool c:\spool.txt
spool off (more…)
The procedure below helps in order to find a specific value in the tables declared at TABLES_SET cursor: CREATE procedure OLTP_SIA.find_specific_value (theString IN VARCHAR2) is match_count INTEGER; the_table VARCHAR2(150); CURSOR…
The procedure below helps to find which record has text instead of number, so it produces "ORA-01722: invalid number" when you try to join with another number field. DECLAREEMPLID VARCHAR2(15);LAST_EMPLID…
The code below sends e-mail when someone visits your site (except yourself, assuming that you are testing locally): if(!empty($_REQUEST)){ $theRemoteAddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $theRemoteHost = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); //send mail: $receiver=""; $from=""; $subject="someone…
With the procedure below you can find which columns are totally null, without data. It is useful, when you need an empty column e.g. for a new field: BEGIN DECLARE…
The following insert statement is used to fill an interface table from a remote database, using a dblink (tblCalls_v1@sqlserverdb). It commits every 500: BEGIN DECLARE CURSOR C1 IS SELECT "ContactID"…